Where Education Meets Fun
Building confidence and sensible decision making
Building confidence and sensible decision making
FYI Education is a South Australian school incursion enterprise, created by entertainer and teacher, Richard Rowland.
Using new and exciting interactive technology, Richard (AKA "Agent FYI") engages and inspires primary school aged children
to learn whilst having fun!
Class sized groups of students enter "The FYI Top Secret Headquarters", an Inflatable classroom, and are transported to a place where they can become "Junior Secret Agents".
Their mission, should your school choose to accept it, is to work through the Spy Mission chosen for them by their teachers. Each mission is age and year level appropriate.
To help them on their way, the Junior and Middle primary classes are assisted and instructed by "Charlie" the Top Secret Agent dog. All lessons are filmed in 3D so the Junior Agents have to wear their "Interactive Spy Glasses" to see all the action, and Charlie, come to life on the big screen.
Upper Primary classes also enter the “Top Secret” Inflatable classroom, but their lessons are driven by the interactive Promethean Active Response Units, which allows each student to have a voice and contribute equally during the lesson.
Charlie the Top Secret Spy Dog has some homework due that he has been putting off for weeks as it is “all too hard”. He is found running away from doing this by going on a holiday on the Hogwarts Express with his new friend, a pig named Harry Trotter. The Junior Agents are asked to help him find a way to complete his homework. It involves them learning about attempting a task by breaking it down to smaller manageable chunks. By supporting friends who have a go at something without fear of being laughed at and being willing to look silly as long as they are having a go at something. Along the way they will be taught a brand new SunSmart song written by Charlie himself!
Topics covered include “Resilience/Having a go/Encouraging others/Breaking problems down in to manageable steps.
Charlie the Top Secret Dog is grumpy with his best friend and decides not to invite him to his Birthday Party. After much investigation by the Junior Secret Agents it turns out to be a huge misunderstanding that needs to be resolved. Along the way topics discussed will be how to deal with stress, and strategies on how to control your emotions when you are in the “red zone”.
This program was created based on the Social and Emotional Learning General Capabilities from the Australian Curriculum. It covers Friendships, Relationship Skills, Bullying (particularly exclusion and verbal), Conflict resolution and Social Awareness. It does all of this whilst retaining humour and entertainment.
Charlie the Top Secret Spy Dog has slept in and is now late for a meeting with the Junior Agents. Rather than him come to us we all decide to go to the Top Secret HQ to meet with him. Following the directions from Charlie the Junior Agents will have to negotiate a path there overcoming finding some medicine and a syringe on the path as well as having a discussion on the basic organs in the human body and where they are located. Once they arrive at the HQ they soon realise that they have been tricked by Charlie as to where he has been.
All of the Secret Agents at the Top Secret Agency have become sick and Charlie the Top Secret Spy Dog has been called in to go undercover. As it is suspected that they might have eaten something they shouldn’t have Charlie is disguised as a chef in the canteen to see if he can work out why. All of the food groups are discussed and the importance and reasons why we have to eat this variety of foods are introduced. The Junior Secret Agents are given the task of creating a healthy lunchbox for all of the spies to start eating.
Charlie the Top Secret Spy Dog has been asked by NASA to help organise a Mission to Mars. During this task the Junior Agents will have to discuss friendship issues and what makes a good friend, the difference between wants and needs of the human body in order to survive and finally bullying and what tactics can be done to deal with this. The mission cumulates with the watching of a rocket launch…..all in 3D.
Charlie the Top Secret Spy Dog has been left in charge of the spy HQ computer and he has discovered that he has accidently downloaded a virus. The Junior Secret Agents are called to see if they can work out what he did to allow this to happen. Along the journey here they will talk about passwords, personal information, the safety and appropriate nature of games and finally Cyber-bulling and what the correct steps are to deal with and report this.
Charlie the Top Secret Spy Dog has been asked by his doctor, who has become sick, to help her with giving a talk about the human body. Charlie and the Junior Agents will go in to detail some of the body systems with the emphasis being on the Nervous, the Digestion and the Circulatory systems. The Junior Agents do some hands on experiments with taste and touch activities and a full size complete digestion system is stretched out in the HQ. No students were harmed in the making of this mission! (Up till now!!).
Charlie the Top Secret Spy Dog has met a new friend who is “way cooler than Agent FYI”. He wants to be the coolest dog on the planet as is willing to do whatever this new friend tells him to do. Unfortunately, he ends up hurting himself and with another one of his “brilliant ideas” he decides to self-administer some medicine from his home medicine kit. It is up to the Junior Agents to discuss the safety of the medicines and his plans. Along the way the discussion of “what is a drug” comes up as Charlie finds some new things that he thinks might make him look cool. The good/bad discussion is answered by the Junior Agents and hopefully Charlie decides to be just himself by the end and he realises that he is cool anyway.
Smoking rates are going down, Vaping rates are going up.
Using history as a guide, this program investigates the reasons why people have become addicted to nicotine as pushed by the multinational companies. It investigates the manipulation of its customers and how easy it is to be fooled by big business looking for a profit. Using the historic techniques of manipulation and misinformation, it ties this knowledge with the tactics that are currently being used to entice a new generation of customers. Finally, it then looks to the future to see what the next trend might be and how to spot the dangers. Whilst the negative effects of smoking and vaping are discussed within this program, the point of the topic is to help with critical thinking on the safety of any product that is being marketed today. Using the Interactive Response Units and humour, the students will all be actively engaged throughout this 90 minute lesson.
“Failure is not the opposite of success; it is part of success”
This engaging and important lesson discusses how we can all learn from our failings. It challenges negative thoughts and encourages students to view our setbacks as simply stepping-stones to an everchanging end goal. It promotes resilience, forward thinking, goalsetting and evaluated risk taking to plan and achieve results. Using Growth Mindset language and Interactive Response Units for engagement, this program is sure to be a hit.
Bullying is the hot topic for the moment, particularly Cyber-Bullying. More than ever our students are being subjected to bullying at school and 24/7. This exciting program has been written to lend another voice to try and eradicate this from their lives. It covers all forms of bullying from Verbal, Physical, Social exclusion and Cyber-bullying. It gives good examples of how to deal with bullies as well as what to do as a "Bullying Bystander". Once again using interactive technology this program is engaging and informative and whilst not a magic cure to fix this problem it can be used to enhance any school in creating a culture of not accepting any form of Bullying.
Decision making is a tricky subject to teach but with some humour and the use of the Interactive Response Units students can see that there is some science behind how we all think and this can be practised to improve our daily decisions. This program covers:-
· The science of how teenage brains develop and how they make decisions.
· The decision making styles: Inactive/Reactive/Proactive.
· The importance of knowing how to stop and take a minute before decisions are made.
Most people have no idea about just how much sugar they are putting into their body on a daily basis. With two thirds of all Australians overweight and one quarter of all student’s overweight something has to be done to start educating our next generation. “Sweet Talk” discusses this important emerging subject and covers:
Internet and Cyber Safety has never been more important to discuss than now. With students having never known a world without the internet and Social Media they have no fear of the consequences of what they are clicking on and agreeing too. This program covers:-
· Social media contracts and the dangers of agreeing blindly to them.
· Identity theft and the importance of good secure, private passwords.
· Cyber Safety rules and being aware of posting photographs and comments on-line
· Cyber Bullying. What to do if it’s happening and the steps to prevent this.
Secondary school is an exciting chapter in every student’s life. It is also the time that they are going to be exposed to drugs and the temptation to use them. This mission discusses just what a drug is and encourages students to work out what the top four drugs are that they are likely to be faced with in High School. The top four are: Cigarettes/Alcohol/High Caffeinated drinks/Marijuana. Marijuana being illegal is only briefly touched on during the lesson. The other three drugs are discussed in depth. Topics covered include:
With the Australian culture of drinking, and the age of a student consuming their first full standard drink lowering every year. This subject is still as important to discuss as it always has been. The alcohol mission explores:-
· The laws around the sale and use of alcohol.
· The effects on the teenage brain and body of this drug.
· The Myths and Facts surrounding this drug.
· What a standard drink is, the amount that the Government advises on what is safe to consume and how it is broken down by the body.
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